
miércoles, 20 de abril de 2016

Colorear una flor con tres rotuladores.

Sometimes life comes with a few colors only: Spring has come in my town with a lot of rainy days one before another. Clouds, green landscapes and a litlle pink in the tree's flowers.

I made this card for Power Poppy Stamps challenge. It is about colouring any of their stamps with only three colours. I free myself to choose the trio, althought some people use a random combo, but it didn't make sense for me yellow water or grey flowers, or something like this. It was sooo funny trying to make shadows with only one colour.

El reto de este mes para Power Poppy stamps es utilizar sólo tres rotuladores para colorear una de sus flores. Como estos días que nos acompañan, que llegan en pocos colores, con tanta lluvia un día tras otro. Me permití la oportunidad de elegir el trío que usaría aunque en estos retos hay gente que los elige por sorteo entre los que tiene, pero se me hacía imposible colorear con cualquier color el agua, o las hojas. Imaginad que salieran violeta, y dos amarillos o cosas así. Me pareció que el trío B97-R22- YG45 era el idóneo para este trabajo.

Aún faltan unos días para que se termine el mes y estáis a tiempo de participar, para mí ha sido toda una experiencia. ¡Os la recomiendo!


-Power Poppy Stamps: Three markers challenge

5 comentarios:

  1. This looks beautiful! Great job with the 3 marker challenge!

  2. Christina, what a gorgeous card, and I love the colors you've used for this Hellebores. A stunning card with the plaid and a great layout. Congratulations on being featured in today's Power Poppy blog! You deserve it! Hugs!

  3. I LOVE how creative you were with your colouring...this is fabulous! So nice to see you featured today on the Power Poppy blog! Thanks so much for playing along in the 3 Marker Challenge this month!

  4. Wow this is beautiful, such wonderful colours together and your colouring is perfect.

  5. Beautiful card and great job with the 3 Marker challenge!! So cool to see you featured on the Power Poppy blog and thanks for playing along with the challenge!


I love your words, and your comments. Me encantan tus palabras, déjame alguna.