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Sometimes it happens that you find the most charming shop you have wanted to see, without searching for it. That's what it has happened to me. I am having a nice, wonderful skiing days with my husband in a town near Innsbruck (Austria). This beautiful town, Seefeld, doesn't have enough snow to open the ski resort, so these days we have traveled around Innsbruck, trying to find the biggest and most beautiful opened ski resorts: Hochgurgl, Ischgl, Hintertuxer Gletscher, Solden,... And I have asked everywhere for Scrapbooking magazines... nothing. I have found every kind of crafts, but no scrap at all.
Sometimes it happens that you find the most charming shop you have wanted to see, without searching for it. That's what it has happened to me. I am having a nice, wonderful skiing days with my husband in a town near Innsbruck (Austria). This beautiful town, Seefeld, doesn't have enough snow to open the ski resort, so these days we have traveled around Innsbruck, trying to find the biggest and most beautiful opened ski resorts: Hochgurgl, Ischgl, Hintertuxer Gletscher, Solden,... And I have asked everywhere for Scrapbooking magazines... nothing. I have found every kind of crafts, but no scrap at all.
Today we changed the country and we went to Germany, to the near and beautiful Garmish-Partenkirchen (GA-PA) town. And it was a wonderful suprise when one young girl, in a book shop in the downtown, answered to me, when I asked to her (I ever think I can't loose the hope) for a Scrapbooking book or magazine, that in Germany they did not have enough scrapbooking crafters to have books in the book shops, but,...oh my,..
-You could not believe it - she told me- but there is a shop here. It is not usual even in big cities, but Garmish has a scrapbooking specialized shop. You will love it.
No, really, I could not believe it. So we walked (runned? very cold to wak) till there and we found this beautiful, tiny shop,... hope you will find it as beautiful and charming as me.
The owner, Svetlana Kulikova, will help you with your shopping, and you can find her shop in Facebook (click here) or visit her blog (clik here). And she will do her best to try to show you her beautiful things and talk with you in English. That's why I wrote this post in English. Maybe she will read it,...
I think this makes Ga-Pa the best destination for the next ski trip, because if I don't ski, I can go to a Scrapbooking class with her. It sounds really nice, doesn't it? Hoping to have the ocassion,... see you there!
Ocurre a veces que encuentras las tiendas más encantadoras que hayas imaginado cuando ni siquiera las estabas buscando. Y algo así es lo que hoy me ha pasado, veréis. Estoy pasando unos días de esquí en un bonito pueblo austríaco, Seefeld, cerca de Innsbruck. Desgraciadamente, no tiene nieve suficiente para abrir la estación y hemos pasado estos días dando vueltas alrededor de Innsbruck visitando las más nevadas y bonitas estaciones de la zona: Ischgl, Hochgurgl, Solden, el glaciar de Zillertal. En todos los lugares en los que me he parado a preguntar, siempre encuentro todo tipo de manualidades, excepto Scrap.
Hoy nos hemos pasado a la vecina Alemania para dar un paseo por uno de los pueblos más bonitos de ese país, Garmish-Partenkirchen (GA-PA), y de nuevo allí pregunté en una librería (una nunca pierde la esperanza) por un libro o revista de Scrapbooking.
-No, no tenemos nada - me contestó- El Scrapbooking no es aún una afición habitual entre los alemanes y no solemos tener de modo habitual revistas, ni libros. Pero, no lo vas a creer, en Garmish tenemos una tienda especializada en Scrapbooking. Ni siquiera muchas grandes ciudades alemanas tienen tiendas que vendan algo de material, pero en Garmish, tenemos una tienda especializada.
Así que paseamos (más bien, corrimos que en este país hace mucho frío para pasear tranquilamente por las calles) hasta allí y encontramos este encantador espacio que espero que os guste tanto como a mí. En ella, su dueña, Svetlana Kulikova, os ayudará con vuestras compras. Podéis también encontrar su tienda en Facebook (haciendo clik aquí) o visitar su blog (clik aqui).
Con esto, Ga-Pa se ha convertido para mí en uno de los mejores destinos de esquí que pueda imaginar, porque, si no se esquía, siempre se puede ir a su tienda a hacer algún taller, ¿verdad? Esperando el momento, me despido hasta la próxima,...

Tomaaaaa!!!! Ja,ja. Moolaaaaa!!!!!